Sample Chapters

Fred Mednick Fred Mednick


The world can feel like a cesspool, but it’s filled with generous people.

Some of the most generous of all, the ones who carry the world on their shoulders, teach. On a global scale, they are nothing short of a development army. They have always been there. We just might not have been paying attention.

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El Mundo es un Pañuelo: The World is a Handkerchief
Fred Mednick Fred Mednick

El Mundo es un Pañuelo: The World is a Handkerchief

Deyanira Castilleja (Deya) had been a TWB member for several years before she inquired about volunteering to translate our teaching materials into Spanish. Two years later, she was changing lives and leading our emerging Maestros Sin Fronteras network.

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Progress Report: The World’s Fair or a Fair World?
Fred Mednick Fred Mednick

Progress Report: The World’s Fair or a Fair World?

In the World of Tomorrow at the New York World’s Fair (1939-1940), driverless cars end congestion, the air is fresh, parks are accessible and, in a nod to redlining, neighborhoods are separate, each tidy city block an entity unto itself. One historian writes: “There was no crime in the city of tomorrow, no slums and no poverty. The heroic efforts of planners and designers had eradicated human conflict and hardship. Progress was presented as inevitable and uniform.”

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